Valeriia Zhdanova is a 25-year-old talented photographer and videographer. Originally from Dnipro, Ukraine, she began her journey as a professional badminton player, achieving mastery and spending ten years in the sport. After this, Valeriia entered the Faculty of Architecture and Design, but soon realized that her passion for photography surpassed other interests.
She always felt a connection with the camera and the photographs.
With support from her parents, specifically her father, who was himself a wedding photographer, Valeriia began her journey into the world of photography. Working in Dubai and then moving to the UK, she became a freelance photographer and videographer. Her work is characterized by creativity and emotional depth, reflecting her own feelings and perception of the world.
Valeriia is committed to growth and development in the art of videography, and her main goal is to create works that not only capture moments, but also make people feel and relive them over and over again. Her mission is to make the world a better place by bringing beauty and emotional excitement into the lives of her viewers.